Health Insurance

Every insured person has an credit-card format e-card, which must be presented at each visit medical appointment.  The e-card serves as a health passport for doctors and medical professionals.


There are 5 health insurance companies, there is no freedom of choice of health insurance company.
The largest is the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK). It covers those policyholders who are insured under the ASVG (salaried employees).
The Social Insurance Institution of the Self-Employed (SVS) is responsible for the self-employed and farmers, while the BVAEB is responsible for public employees, railways and mining. There is also special insurance, such as for notaries.


Further information on healthcare,


Further information on the health insurance companies and their services is available at Austrian Social Security.


Health & Medical Questions

Many doctors are contracted meaning they are contractually engaged by a social security institutions and their medical services are explicitly defines by their contract.


In addition to getting help from contracted doctors, patients may choose specialized doctors, but doing so entails extra costs. When a patient chooses a doctor other than available contracted doctors, then the patient must pay the doctor’s fees, but in certain circumstances a portion of treatment may be reimbursed or paid outright by the patient’s health insurance company.


The general physician is the first doctor to examine any patient and when necessary, he or she may refer a patient to a specialized medical specialist or to the hospital.


A list of practicing English speaking doctors listed by specialty is available with the US Embassy 


Here you may search for a doctor


An informative platform on all health issues can be found at Note: this does not replace a doctor's visit!


A smart phone pharmacy-app


Here is a search agent to locate pharmacies across Austria.


The night duty pharmacies are also available on to reach by ORF teletext pages 648 and 649.


Pollen Warning Service

The Austrian Pollen Information service is provided by the Medical University of Vienna, Austria and provides a pollen monitor as well as up to date pollen counts for all the states of Austria.


There is an App (free for Android and iPhone) reporting the pollen count based on your location as well as a three-day pollen forecast.

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