

Presently, there are 22 public universities, 21 universities of applied science and polytechnic colleges (http://www.fachhochschulen.ac.at/en), and 13 private universities in Austria.


The following graphic provides an overview map pinpointing the locations of Austria’s universities, polytechnic facilities and research institutes. Follow the link to the pages of Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research http://www.bmwf.gv.at/home/.


Here is a list of all university studies and departments in Austria(http://www.studyguide.at/).  More information of universities is available here >>>

Humanities studies are listed at the following universities with courses ranging from Afrikan studies to zoology.

Technical studies ranging from Applied earth sciences to industrial engineering can be accomplished at the following universities: 

  • Vienna University of Technology (architecture and planning, civil engineering, mechanical and industrial engineering, electrical engineering and information technology, mathematics and geoinformation, physics, technical chemistry and informatics)
  • Technical University of Graz (course of studies include: architecture, engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, computer science)
  • University of Innsbruck (course of studies include: architecture, civil engineering, computer science, technical mathematics.);
  • University of Leoben (course of studies include: applied geosciences, industrial environmental protection, waste disposal technology and recycling, polymer engineering, metallurgy, petroleum engineering, materials science)


Scientific studies are offered at the following universities:



Human Medicine and Dentistry and dental medicine may be studied at the following universities:



A written exam is required for entrance to university studies of human and dental medicine. The information on admission procedures for the Universities of Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck may be found here (website in German) http://medizinstudieren.at/cms3/


Veterinary medicine studies may only be completed in Vienna.


At the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna  the following studies are engaged:

Veterinary medicine, equine science, biomedicine and biotechnology, comparative morphology, human-animal relationship.


Law, Economics & Business

  • Vienna University of Economics and Business (academic degree programs include: business administration, economics, business education, international marketing management, European and International Law, tax law, economics);
  • University of Vienna (academic degree programs include: economics, law, business administration, political science, computer science and computer management);
  • University of Graz (academic degree programs include: business administration, economics, business education and development, law, social and economic science);
  • University of Innsbruck (website in German) (academic degree programs include: law, economics, business law);
  • University of Salzburg (Law school with departments including labor, economic and European law, public law, private law);
  • University of Linz   (academic degree programs include: political education, law, business law, taxation, economics, finance and accounting, computer science, networks and security)
  • University of Klagenfurt (website in German) (academic degree programs include: business administration, economics, business and law)

Fine Arts and Applied Arts


  • University of Fine Arts Vienna (program studies include architecture, fine arts (painting, printmaking, sculpture), conservation and restoration, set design, technology in the arts),
  • University of Applied Arts Vienna (study programs include: fine arts (painting, printmaking, sculpture), architecture, media design, social design, industrial design, creative writing, conservation and restoration)
  • Salzburg Mozarteum (specializing in stage design)
  • University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (specializing in stage design)
  • Linz University of Art (degree programs include:  fine arts (painting, printmaking, sculpture), graphic design, space and design strategies, time-based and interactive media, architecture, media culture, art theory)

Music colleges


  • University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (degree programs include: composition and music theory, conducting, instrumental studies, music education, voice and musical theater direction, film and television)
  • Salzburg Mozarteum (fields of study include: instrumental studies, conducting, composition, music theory, instrumental education, vocals, vocal pedagogy, music education);
  • University for Music and Dramatic Arts Graz (fields of study include: instrumental studies, musicology, composition and music theory, electrical engineering and audio engineering, voice, conducting, catholic and protestant church music)


Performing Arts


Entrance requirements are different for each university and sometimes include examinations.  Please consult the websties of the listed universities for further information on academic entrance

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