On these pages you will find everything you need as (potential) student in Austria. We have gathered the information with the utmost care. For many subjects, we have made additional links available for you to find even more information.



Here you will find information about all relevant universities ....


Where can students find a home? You will find special hints for students on these pages...more

Welcome Service

How can you arrive in Vienna the most convenient way? We recommend the iHouse Student Welcome Service, including a 24-hours shuttle service from the Vienna International Airport to your dormitory and you will be handed your keys directly at the airport. Furthermore, it includes a helpful Survival Guide for the first days abroad. Read more...


What are the requirements for admission to an Austrian university, what about recognistion of diplomas and academic certificates? Find out here....


Where do you want to learn the German language, in your country of origin or in Austria? Read more....


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